I made a trip to my mother's home.
To use their computer.
The above photos are photos I took with my iPhone and uploaded onto my mother's computer so I could post them. They are showing what is left of my beloved computer. I have no idea what happened.
All of my files are temporarily gone.
All of my self-created Photoshop brushes.
All of my Publisher tag and label documents that are already laid out.
All of my family photos.
For the time being anyway.
For all of my wonderful, wonderful buyers, please bear with me as I get this fixed tomorrow so I can create your orders. If, God forbid, my files cannot be extracted, I'll have to have another computer over-nighted to me so I can begin re-designing everything. Obriously, shipping is going to be delayed until I get this fixed. I hope you all understand. Thankfully, the wonderful Etsy community is like one big family.
If I am not able to answer your convo or email right away, this is why. Please, please please be patient with me as I get through this. My connection to the outside world is lost. I just feel like part of me is gone. Temporarily.
If you say prayers or send positive thoughts, whatever it is you do, I really need them right now. Thankfully, I haven't turned to Ben and Jerry's or "the bottle" yet to numb this helpless feeling, but they're both tempting. :) I do feel like I should be holding a candlelight vigil in front of my monitor though. :)
Humor is all I have right now. If I didn't have that, I'd be curled up in bed crying. Seriously.
I will get everyone's orders sent out just as soon as humanly possible. You have my word as a lady.
Love to you all,